

Unfortunately, Durham’s new web hosting doesn’t allow this setup below to work. The instructions are saved for posterity in case things ever change.

Website source for Durham University Scientific Computing group.

Uses hugo (you’ll need the extended edition).

Building for github pages

A github action is set up that automatically deploys any push to the main branch. The website is hosted and available https://duscicomp.github.io/ (this is currently turned off).

The upshot is that you shouldn’t need to do anything to get the webpages updated other than push a commit to main.

Building locally for checking

The publications page is created with a python (Python >= 3.6 required) script, you need bibtexparser installed (get it, and any other dependencies that may pop up, via pip install -r requirements.txt).

You can then build the website with

make serve

which builds and pops up a local webserver.